Cyber Auditing is a place that employees can receive counsel and report instances
of unfairness or corruption within the workforce. The system establishes ethical
management as the company's flagship priority and promotes high standards of value
and conduct. We receive types of complaints and reports as in below.
Our HR professionals adhere to a strict policy of
confidentiality wherein identities of those providing information are withheld,
and protection of individual privacy is the top priority.
The company has outsourced the running of a whistleblowing hotline to
an outside law firm in order to protect the informer's identity.
Run separately from the Cyber Audit channel, the external hotline guarantees anonymity
by consulting external lawyers on the below issues:
Aside from the official homepage, you can make reports via the below channels.
Rewards for Whistleblowing
닫기HCS staff or external individuals (the general public)
A reward may be provided for an amount in the range of KRW 100K to KRW 50MN, as decided by Reward Deliberation Committee
If the whistleblowing has led to increased profits or reduced losses for the Company → Up to 10% of the additional profit or reduced loss amount (max KRW 50MN)
When fact-checking is impossible due to false reporting or a lack of evidence
Information that had already been disclosed e.g. by media coverage
Information that the Company had already been aware of or that was previously reported to the Company (e.g. with business relevance to the whistleblowing contents), or misconduct that was additionally discovered in the process of investigation
When the identity of the whistleblower is not made known
Simple process improvement
Other cases deemed inappropriate for rewards by Reward Deliberation Committee (e.g. self-reporting, complaints, sexual harassment, or simple conflict within the org)
If causes for exclusion from rewards are identified after the reward payout, or if the facts of the case are found to differ from those previously understood, the reward may be confiscated or cancelled. In such situations, the recipient of the reward shall return it to the Company without delay.